Zbyněk Sekal: Book Covers, Photographic Sketches, Assembled Pictures

Zdenek Primus

  • 2018
  • czech, english
  • h. 21 ✕ w. 23 cm
  • Page count: 144
  • Graphics: Adam Macháček (2017 Designers)
699 CZK

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"The subject of this book is the idea that although Zbyněk Sekal used various techniques and artistic approaches originally intended for other artistic disciplines – printmaking, photography, sculptures, drawing, painting or collage – he always worked with the same artistic principles which were his and his alone." - Zdenek Primus

Sculptor, painter and graphoc designer Zbyněk Sekal was born in 1923 and had lived in Czechoslovakia until his emigration in 1968. From this year until his death he lived and worked in Austria.

He approached photography from the second half of sixties. These photographs correspond visually with his "official" sculptural work to the point where question of direct inspiration appears. Did the photography "contacts" serve Sekal as sketches for his reliefs, sculptures or book covers? This book confrontates these miniature photographs, book covers, reliefs and assembled pictures.

Zdenek Primus, author

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